New Website Launch Announcement!
Welcome to the new website for the Arkansas Securities Department! After months of collaboration from our team at the Arkansas Securities Department (“ASD”) with website developer Lapero, we are pleased to announce the launch of the ASD’s updated website.
We have reorganized information to make it simple for Arkansans to learn what services the ASD offers and to find legal acts, orders, and rules. The ASD is dedicated to promoting and protecting the financial well-being of all Arkansans, and information about our Investor Education Program is available on the new website.
“Our primary objective during the redesign process was to create a more effective, user-friendly, and responsive resource across all platforms and devices,” Interim Commissioner Campbell McLaurin said. “Specifically, we wanted to focus on making it easier for Arkansans to locate valuable information and to file a complaint.”
We hope you enjoy our fresh look!