A request for a cease and desist order concerning unlicensed mortgage loan activity.
A request for a cease and desist order concerning unlicensed mortgage loan activity.
A request for a cease and desist order concerning the sale of unregistered securities by Ensurapet, Inc., F/K/A Vsurance, Inc., W. Russell Smith, John Mathis Lile, III, Robert Morgan Pile, and Jay W. Davidson as well as the sale of securities by an unregistered agent, William Russell Smith.
A request for a cease and desist order finding that the respondents have acted as unregistered investment advisers and ordering them to cease and desist from such activities.
An amended request for a cease and desist order finding that John W. Rustin, Jr. had sold unregistered securities by means of securities fraud and ordering that Rustin cease and desist from such activities.
A request for a cease and desist order finding that John W. Rustin, Jr. had sold unregistered securities by means of securities fraud and ordering that Rustin cease and desist from such activities.
An amended request for a cease and desist order concerning the sale of unregistered securities by Greenleaf, Gagnepain and Perkins through the use of fraud.
A request for an order against William O. Hall to cease and desist from all mortgage loan brokering activities in Arkansas until properly licensed.
A request for a cease and desist order concerning the sale of unregistered securities by Greenleaf, Gagnepain and Perkins through the use of fraud.
An amended request for a cease and desist order 1) finding that all respondents had sold unregistered securities by means of securities fraud and that respondent Gardner had also acted as an unregistered broker-dealer and 2) ordering the respondents to immediately cease and desist from such activities.